Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association, Miles Berry Farm, et al. v. U.S. Department of Labor

Coalition of Produce Growers, Farmers, and State Attorneys General Sue Biden Department of Labor

About the Case

Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF) filed a lawsuit on behalf of Miles Berry Farm and the Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association against the United States Department of Labor over its unprecedented and unlawful requirement that will give temporary foreign farm workers more rights than American farm workers. This move by the Department turns the Constitution on its head, ignores checks and balances, and will have a devastating impact on produce growers and farmers. Miles Berry Farm and the Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association appear in the lawsuit alongside over a dozen states.

In 1935, as part of the New Deal, Congress established the right of certain employees to form labor unions through the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). However, Congress explicitly excluded agricultural workers from the right to form unions and has continued to do so for nearly 90 years.

But now, the Department of Labor under the Biden Administration is taking unprecedented steps to create rights Congress did not intend.

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Under a new agency rule, the Department is requiring employers to allow foreign farm workers to form unions. It claims that it has authority to do so under the Immigration Reform and Control Act, even though that congressional statute—which grants H-2A visas to temporary migrant farm workers—never so much as mentions the right to form unions. The Department is creating a new right out of thin air that is not even granted to American farm workers.

Moreover, the cost of this new program will be devastating for employers, including SLF clients Miles Berry Farm and the Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association. Both of those organizations employ or have members who employ H-2A workers and will be forced to participate in the program at significant cost.

SLF filed suit on behalf of its clients in a Georgia federal district court together with seventeen states. They are asking the court to stop this unconstitutional power grab because the Biden Administration is imposing this rule without any congressional authority.

Case Status



Southern District of Georgia

Why This Matters

The Biden Administration has used the full force of its power to weaponize federal agencies against the Constitution. In its latest attack, the federal government seeks to unilaterally seize power and override Congress’s clear intent to exclude agricultural employees from the NLRA’s reach.

While federal agencies can enforce the law, and even interpret vague areas of the law, Congress was explicit that the NLRA’s right to unionize did not extend to farmworkers, American or foreign.

On top of that, the Department of Labor’s new rule gives more rights to foreign farm workers than to American farm workers because it only applies to workers with H2-A visas.

And the Department of Labor is just the latest agency to assault the agriculture industry. SLF has already sued the Department of Agriculture twice on behalf of America’s farmers for unlawfully and unconstitutionally giving more federal relief aid to and forgiving the loans of “socially disadvantaged” farmers at the expense and exclusion of white farmers.

Vice President of Litigation for SLF Braden Boucek states,

America’s agricultural industry is under attack. Taking a page from the Department of Agriculture’s book, the Department of Labor is now trying to undermine the rights of farmers and produce growers. This rule will have a devastating impact on farms across America, which are the lifeblood of our nation.

Executive Director for SLF Kimberly Hermann states,

This is all part of President Biden’s agenda. Since the very day he took office, his administration has done everything in its power to undermine Congress, the rule of law, and the Constitution. We are proud to fight alongside this coalition of states and farmers to hold it accountable.

Why This Matters

The Biden Administration has used the full force of its power to weaponize federal agencies against the Constitution. In its latest attack, the federal government seeks to unilaterally seize power and override Congress’s clear intent to exclude agricultural employees from the NLRA’s reach.

While federal agencies can enforce the law, and even interpret vague areas of the law, Congress was explicit that the NLRA’s right to unionize did not extend to farmworkers, American or foreign.

On top of that, the Department of Labor’s new rule gives more rights to foreign farm workers than to American farm workers because it only applies to workers with H2-A visas.

And the Department of Labor is just the latest agency to assault the agriculture industry. SLF has already sued the Department of Agriculture twice on behalf of America’s farmers for unlawfully and unconstitutionally giving more federal relief aid to and forgiving the loans of “socially disadvantaged” farmers at the expense and exclusion of white farmers.

Vice President of Litigation for SLF Braden Boucek states,

America’s agricultural industry is under attack. Taking a page from the Department of Agriculture’s book, the Department of Labor is now trying to undermine the rights of farmers and produce growers. This rule will have a devastating impact on farms across America, which are the lifeblood of our nation.

Executive Director for SLF Kimberly Hermann states,

This is all part of President Biden’s agenda. Since the very day he took office, his administration has done everything in its power to undermine Congress, the rule of law, and the Constitution. We are proud to fight alongside this coalition of states and farmers to hold it accountable.

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