Do you share our belief that principles and action both matter when it comes to the law? The SLF team believes in our constitutional system and fights hard to protect it. We are Freedom’s lawyers, working to reclaim civil liberties, protect free speech, secure property rights, and restore constitutional balance. If this sounds exciting, consider becoming part of our team!
Who We Are
SLF is a national, nonprofit legal organization dedicated to defending liberty and Rebuilding the American Republic®.
What We Do
SLF represents clients free of charge in cases where our involvement will make a lasting difference for all Americans. Our cases vindicate our clients’ constitutional rights and set precedent to preserve all Americans’ rights under our Constitution.
Our Guiding Principles
SLF believes that our Constitution, as written, is essential to preserving freedom. Our strategic approach to choosing and executing cases has resulted in hundreds of courtroom wins spanning five decades, including four Supreme Court wins.
Open Positions
Litigation Attorney